Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Twenty Weeks...halfway there!

  • How far along?: 20 weeks (a week late)
  • Baby is the size of a: banana
  • The Bump: loud and proud!
  • Symptoms: back and hip pain
  • Food Cravings: still, all of it. it's insane
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: nope!
  • Sleep: i typically wake up around 1:30 then toss and turn until the morning. not the funnest.
  • What I miss: nothing, really. i really like being pregnant once the throwing up subsides!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: boys names are hard!!
  • Movement: sweet little love taps all day long, but nothing insane. it's fun watching my belly move a little here and there!
  • Maternity Clothes: i'd be screwed without them!
  • Labor Signs: braxton hicks already!
  • Best Moment of the Week: seeing our sweet baby on the ultrasound! we laughed because Levi was so active and difficult to measure during his anatomy scan...this baby just chilled and completely cooperated! what a lovie! Also, Levi has been fascinated with my belly lately, giving it hugs and kisses, then he lifts up his shirt and puffs his belly out. Makes my mama heart so full. I pray daily these two would become best friends.
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: warmer weather!!! 
  • Thursday, March 12, 2015

    21 Months

    My boy is just 3 months away from being 2! My heart can't even handle it! I LOVE this age and soooo look forward to the next stage as well, but I'm pretty sure I just delivered this little one yesterday, so it seems impossible that he could have grown up this fast!

    You guys, he is a HOOT. I don't know if it's his facial expressions, his laugh, his stance, or a combination of it all, but you really can't be around this kid long without laughing at something. He scrunches his nose up and purses his lips, while standing tall with his belly hanging out of his shirt at least an hour a day. I just sit there and watch him sometimes, soaking him all in. He is just too much.
    • He is all into fake sneezing. His "achoo" is rather silent so you need to listen up if you're gonna catch it!
    • Levi "baa's" like a sheep, and affectionately refers to dogs and horses as "gwo" Albeit nonsense, it's consistent and I know what he means :)
    • While he's still going through a picky eater phase (hopefully it's just a phase!), he still loves food. One day I heated up a plate of leftovers and brought them to the living room to eat while Levi was playing with his toys. When I sat down, he ran to the kitchen. Before I know it, he came back with a spoon in his hand, and walked right over to my plate and helped himself. I was dying.
    • He started saying so much these last few months, although the last couple of weeks he has laid off a lot. But he's been able to say things like "hank ew," "alb ew" (love you,) "doggy," "ok," "huh?" occasional "mama & dada" (especially when he's whining,) guitar, gar (grape), and his all time favorite, "car." Everything on God's green earth is a car to this little dude. Bless.
    • We're still going through the "I hate babies" phase. It's an uphill battle, but his fits around little ones have shrunk in intensity and length, so I'm gonna chalk that up as a win. I still fear a little for this new little one, though, and pray for a hedge of protection from the jealousy of the older brother. Poor babe's gonna need it.
    • Levi is a determined little boy. He knows what he wants and doesn't know how to say it (awful combination.) Disciplining him has been a humbling experience because all my years of "I would just do this if my kid did that" has failed us and sometimes we wonder if we're doing it right. That being said, we've also seen a look of "uh oh" and even a little remorse when he's being disciplined, so I *think* we're heading the right direction. I was a really good parent about 3 years ago :) and now I feel a little clueless sometimes, but we pray a lot and beg God to work in Levi in spite of our best efforts so we are just trusting He will do just that :)
    • That being said, this boy is SUCH a sweetheart. Levi is a snuggler and loves giving hugs and kisses. He'll be in the middle of playing when he will stop everything he's doing, run over, and rest his head on my shoulder. Just for the sake of being lovely. He thinks it's cool when I sing along to Daniel Tiger and loves to dance to music, taking the time to clap for himself when he is done. While he still has a long way to go when it comes to sharing, he does take the time to bring toys to little ones (once he's done throwing a fit) and is very gentle and sweet with them.
    • My favorite thing these days is when I ask, "Where's the baby?" He stretches out both arms and rubs his hands on my belly. Be still my heart.
    Have I mentioned I'm so grateful for this boy? :) Levi you are my joy and you make my world sweeter. I love you to the moon and back, Hammy!

    Eighteen Weeks

    Pic taken at 19+2...we've been busy!

  • How far along?: 18 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a: about 6 inches head to rump :) see, I can google :)
  • The Bump: is starting to bump into things.
  • Symptoms: really not throwing up anymore, with the exception of one or two times. halleljuah!
  • Food Cravings: seriously folks, this babe is a hungry one! I can't seem to eat enough
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: nope!
  • Sleep: starting to be more comfortable sleeping on my sides, but I can't wait until I can be a belly/back sleeper again!
  • What I miss: nothing, really.
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: names are so tough. when I write out the ones I like, I want all of them. I'm just gonna need to have like 8 kids so that I can use up all my names!
  • Movement: you know it! over all, not as active as Levi (yet) Perhaps I have a mellow little babe growing in there?? Sounds blissful!
  • Maternity Clothes: Yes, and let me just say a quick thanks to all those who loaned me clothes last time! You clearly carried me through because I really don't have much. I'm trying to hold off buying much until it warms up though since most of my pregnancy will be in warmer months! 
  • Labor Signs: Nope way Jose!
  • Best Moment of the Week: These last few weeks have been hard as we said goodbye to Brett's mom :( but we are grateful for this baby and the joy he/she has brought to us already!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: our ultrasound! sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks :) But yes, sorry, we are still waiting to find out the gender until the baby's birth day!