How far along?: 22 weeks (a week late) ...I'm droppin the ball here!
Baby is the size of a: spaghetti squash...and almost 1 pound! no wonder I feel huge this week!
The Bump: stretching and growing and making my belly button pop...already!
Symptoms: back and hip pain...seriously folks, I walk like an old lady!
Food Cravings: I feel like I'm starting to feel full now that the baby has made less room for my stomach...but if you set 5 steaks in front of me right now, there wouldn't be much left come bed time!
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: no way! this is the fun stage of pregnancy!
Sleep: actually sleeping a little better! still toss and turn, but I must be getting used to it
What I miss: Not much at this point. But while on vacation this last week, I would have given my right arm for a frozen margarita!
Weddings Rings On or Off: on
Any Names Picked Out Yet: We are making some progress! But nothing set in stone. I have a feeling with this baby, we won't "officially" choose something until Baby is here!
Movement: Belly's moving! My mom and sister have been able to feel him/her!
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all I'm sporting this days.
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks
Best Moment of the Week: Spending time on the beach with my family. Brett and I managed to sneak a little date night in, we got to play with Levi in the pool, and Brett gave me some poolside time while he stayed inside while Levi napped! It was nice having some quiet time in the sun, interrupted by some sweet kicks and rolls by the babe!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Having my taxes done! (Wow I'm pathetic!) But it's so nice having them done, I feel like I can enjoy time at home so much more.