I'm usually a natural with words, but there are no words to describe how happy my heart is that it is February 29, 2012 and it's over 60 degrees outside! I have no way to adequately explain what an open sunroof this afternoon has done for my soul. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, so I took a few pictures of my favorite summertime lunch I made this afternoon...it won't do the day justice, but it's as close as I can get!
Fresh Spinach leaves, Mandarin Oranges, Strawberries, Blueberries,
Raspberries, and Raspberry Cabernet Vinaigrette
First, cut strawberries, then clean them, along with the blueberries
and raspberries.
Add a few mandarin oranges to the mix; do not rinse.
Place spinach on plate, then top with fruit.
I dropped a blueberry. Sophie loved it.
Next, a heaping teaspoon of the dressing. A little bit goes a long way.
In the words of Joey Tribbiani, this looks, "like summer in a bowl!"
If you really want to go nuts, add chopped pecans (get it?) I may move this to the back patio...such a pretty day. Enjoy it!!
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