Dear Baby Fox (38 weeks)
Dear Baby Fox,
We've spent so much time together already, and I know you. I know you hate the hiccups, because every time you have them, your arms and legs flail about as if you're throwing a fit. (I don't blame you, by the way; I hate them too.) I know that music makes you sleepy. The moment a song starts to play, you chill out. Unless I start singing along. I'd like to think you're just clapping along with the beat because you enjoy it when I sing to you, but I think deep down you want me to pipe down so you can hear the song better. I also know that when I talk to someone in a quiet room, you kick and squirm whenever I start to speak. I don't know if it's because you're trying to nap and I'm keeping you up, or maybe it's because you get excited because you recognize my voice. I'll take the latter.
I know that after a long, hard nap, you stretch your arms and legs one time really big for a few seconds before you start wiggling around, making my belly go lopsided. Also, you seem to be camera shy like your daddy. You move like crazy day and night and whenever I try to record you doing it, you stop dead in your tracks. What's up with that, boy? Your dad thinks it's because you hear the noise the camera makes when I turn it on. I think you're just a little ornery like him. I'm sorry if you don't like pictures and videos, but God's placed you in a family with a mama who loves to capture every moment. So...too bad. ;)
You are incredibly active and have been since I was about 17 weeks along with you. Your daddy felt you move at just 18 weeks...what a strong, energetic boy we have on our hands! I'm so excited to see the kind of adventures you get into in life with a personality like that. I'm excited to get to know you more. I want to know what your smile looks like, what kind of hair you'll have, and the color of your eyes. I want to know what soothes you, what makes you mad, and what makes you smile. I can't wait to learn how you like to be swaddled or what your favorite toys are. But for now...for now I'm going to rest in the fact that I know you, sweet boy. And I love everything about you. Hope to see you soon!
Love, Mama
How far along?: 38 weeks
Baby is the size of a: He's not still growing, is he!?
The Bump: How low can you go?
Symptoms: Back pain, contractions, and I'm sporting the "waddle"
Food Cravings: Anything cold, it's been so hot.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing in particular, just still feeling a little more nauseous and struggling with some acid reflux
Sleep: Sleeping so lightly, but having funny dreams. The weird thing is, I keep dreaming Brett and I go to the hospital and I deliver a baby GIRL. Don't know what that's about ;)
What I miss: I miss being able to really belt it out when I sing...I have to sing with a hint of a whisper to keep from gasping for air. Also, I miss being skinny. However, as uncomfortable as I am and as much as I'm just dying to hold my baby, I know he will come when he's ready. I'm trying to enjoy pregnancy up until the very end. I don't want to clock out...I refuse to clock out. I'm going to soak in every last ounce of him being with me 24/7...I actually think I'll miss him once he's here, just because it will be the first time in 10 months where I'll actually be in a different room than him...that will be so sad to me. Does that make sense??
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off, but only because there were a few loose diamonds in it so I had to get it fixed. Just as well, it was getting a little snug! According to my niece, Brett should just buy me a new ring in the mean time :) Smart girl!
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes and we can't wait to share :) Soon enough, my friends!
Movement: He hasn't slowed down yet! I love it when his little feet stretch from one side of my belly to the other.
Maternity Clothes: Going through my closet and picking out my absolute favorite maternity shirts I won't be able to wear once he's here and making myself wear them every day. I won't miss the back pain, but I will miss the belly...Oh, how I'll miss that belly.
Labor Signs: I had contractions every 5 minutes for 5 hours Friday...but they weren't strong enough to make me feel pain, I was just uncomfortable. The good news is I'm finally dilated a measly little centimeter! I'll take what I can get...
Best Moment of the Week: Last Friday, I fell over Sophie and slammed into our wardrobe in the living room. I had to go to the hospital to be monitored for a while, and thankfully the baby was perfectly fine. So, to answer the best moment of the week question, I would say it would be having my mom and husband join me as we listened to the baby's heart beat for over an hour. What a sweet, sweet sound.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Delivering this sweet boy!!
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