Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Favorite Things

Well, trimester 3 came rolling in and I welcomed it with open arms and a smile on my face! I wouldn't say this pregnancy has gone "fast" by any means, but it's crazy to think I'm in the last leg of it. Despite all the hurdles we've had to overcome, overall we've been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and an active, healthy baby. I could never praise God enough for this undeserved blessing He's so graciously placed in our lives. Some days I can literally feel my heart growing and overflowing with joy because God saw fit, somewhere among the midst of my sin and imperfections, to place a child He will always love more than I'd ever be able to in my care. Wow.

Yesterday at my doctors appointment I was surprised to learn my blood pressure was a little high. Nothing serious, but I was told just to keep an eye on it over the next few weeks. I'm not worried at all, but it did make me aware of a few things. One, every day this baby can stay right where he's at is a gift. As much as I long to hold him in my arms, I need to continue to pray that he would be protected so that he can continue to thrive. Two, in just 12 1/2 weeks, this baby is due to greet us. If for whatever reason he has to come early, or if I'm ever put on bed rest, I'm running out of time to get ready for him.

People keep asking what we've done to his nursery. I think most are surprised when I say, "Nothing." It's so out of character for me. But with all that's been on our plates the last few months (sickness, holidays, more sickness, my sister's wedding, and even more sickness), we haven't had the chance to accomplish much in the little guy's room. In just the last few weeks we've finally decided on a paint color and theme for the room, which will be revealed in another post :)

Anyway, after my appointment yesterday, I decided to run around and pick up a few things and finalize our registries since we have a few showers coming up. I bought a few crafty things I'm working on for the nursery which I'm excited about. Then I ran over to Babies R Us to update a few things since some of the things we originally registered for were no longer in stock. Sidenote: that store can be so overwhelming. I'm becoming more familiar with the layout of the store, which helps, but the registry print out was so confusing. Whatever.

All of that to say, I wanted to share a few things I'm excited about. Whether it's because I've heard such great things about it, or because just because it's cute, here we go:

Black Jenny Lind Crib My mom used Jenny Lind cribs for us when we were little kids, so I think it will be fun to pass on the tradition

Aprica Travel System I won't lie, it's mainly because I like the colors. But it's also lightweight and easy to collapse, so I think we will be happy with it!

Swaddle Blankets I know, I know, these aren't completely necessary. However, they were the one thing "football" related that I actually thought was cute and Brett obviously agreed. 

Hooded Towels ...because who wouldn't want to snuggle and freshly bathed baby in one of these bad boys!?
Boppy I've seen these for years and finally get one of my own.

And last but not least,

I'll FINALLY get to kiss this sweet face!!!!!

What about you? What baby things did you love?! What items made your heart melt!? 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dear Baby Fox (26 weeks)

26 Weeks

Dear Baby Fox,
  Your daddy and I took a tour of the birthplace at our hospital this morning. It's becoming so much more real, that in just about 14 more weeks, we'll be meeting you for the first time. I won't lie...when we toured the delivery room, every ounce of me wanted to just jump in that bed and get things rolling!! Rest assured, I refrained. I've been a little stressed because I want to make our home all ready for you. Some people refer to it as the "nesting" stage of pregnancy. It's just that with every step, I get more and more excited about the fact that we'll be bringing you home for good. What a sweet day that will be.
  Once again I've been reminded how blessed we are, that God would allow us to discover you and that we'd be lucky enough to watch you grow into a healthy baby boy. This is not something we take for granted. I pray every day God would continue to bless and keep you and that I would never complain or forget how much of a gift you are.
  Next weekend is your Aunt Kortney's wedding. I apologize in advance if you get pushed around too much while your mama shows off her goofy dance moves. One day I'll have to take you out on the dance floor and teach you a thing or two. Don't be embarrassed, and if you are, don't let me know!
  Happy growing, sweet babe! I love you!
All my heart, Mama

  • How far along?: 26 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a:  14 inches long 
  • The Bump: Definitely growing...developed my first tiny stretch mark :/
  • Symptoms: Just being out of breath and as of a few days ago my hips are starting to really hurt by the end of the day, especially if I walked around a lot that day
  • Food Cravings: Nothing too crazy
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope!
  • Sleep: Better than it's been, with the exception of waking up with hip pain
  • What I miss: Warm weather so I can just slip on flip flops...putting on boots is getting more and more difficult these days
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Nothing official but progress is being made
  • Movement: I swear this kid's an octopus...my belly moves in every direction all at once
  • Maternity Clothes: It's sad when maternity clothes become too small
  • Labor Signs: Nothing.
  • Best Moment of the (last few) Week(s): Spending time with Brett, being excited to meet the baby
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: My sister's wedding :)
  • Monday, February 4, 2013

    Dear Baby Fox (24 weeks)

    24 Weeks
    (To view previous letters: 21 Weeks18 Weeks

    Dear Baby Fox,
      Your dad and I were talking the other night about how in (at most) 17 weeks, we are going to have you home with us! That makes my heart so happy. We have so much to do to get ready for your arrival! I've been so sick for so long that the last thing from my mind has been a to-do list. Now that I'm finally feeling better (thank you, by the way!), I'm realizing we better get busy!!
      You kick ALL day long now. It's the sweetest thing. You've brought me so much joy in the last couple of months...I can't imagine how overwhelmed with joy I'll be when I actually meet you. And obviously, I'm excited out of my mind to meet you. But I'm even more excited to watch your daddy meet you. He's the best man on earth, and he loves you so much! There's something about the thought of watching my two favorite boys in the world meet for the first time that makes me tear up just thinking about it.
      We're so blessed to be expecting such an awesome baby boy. And a healthy one, at that. We did nothing to deserve you. God was just gracious enough to bless us with you, and He's taken the time to mold and form every part of you. You're a gift, sweet baby. A gift that your dad and I surrender completely to the Lord. We pray for you daily, that you would one day chose to follow Jesus and impact this world for Him. 
      Keep kicking and fattening up, sweet boy! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks!
    Love, Mama

  • How far along?: 24 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a:  almost a foot long!
  • The Bump: More like a mountain
  • Symptoms: Dare I say it? With the exception of one bad day,  I'm finally feeling good! 17+ pills a day will help ya. Also, my belly button is looking like all sorts of crazy these days!
  • Food Cravings: Fruity Pebbles, Starburst, Oranges, and Burger King's Raspberry Iced Tea
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: NO!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
  • Sleep: It's touch and go...I guess it's God's way of preparing me for when he's here
  • What I miss: Being able to sit up and not be out of breath
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: I think we're slowly narrowing it down
  • Movement: It's crazy and I love it
  • Maternity Clothes: I've been so blessed by friends allowing me to borrow some of their maternity clothes...I really haven't had to buy very much!
  • Labor Signs: I'm pretty sure I had a few random contractions the other afternoon
  • Best Moment of the (last few) Week(s): Happy report that baby is growing perfectly!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Getting his nursery ready!!