I took Levi outside to enjoy the fresh air as I cleaned off our back deck. Our patio furniture had been covered in snow for about 4 months, so it was time to wipe them down and arrange them again. Leaves had been piled up underneath the snow for long enough, so I let Levi crawl around as I swept up the leaves in a pile. Levi watched as I swept up the leaves and dirt. What happened next changed my heart.
And that's when God stirred in my heart. I thought about how, sometimes as humans we view ourselves as dirty old leaves, dead and good for nothing. But God, in His perfect love, views each of us as a treasure. He takes delight in us and sees each of us as special. No, we're not perfect. We're no where near it. But because of the blood of the Lamb, God receives glory because we are who we are: imperfect but made in His image.
So tonight, forgive yourself. Accept yourself. Surrender yourself to the One who delights in you and loves you, no matter how yucky or useless you feel. He sees you for who you really are, and He loves you more than you know.