I'll start with the star of the blog, these days. Mr. Levi Jack has grown up so much in the last 7 weeks. For one, he started walking the day after his first birthday. Such a stinker, that boy, because I had told so many I was just sure he would start walking before he turned one, and he had to wait another 24 hours to take off. He and I were on the back patio and he took 8 steps towards me. I cheered for him and gave him a hug, then as he sat down to play I texted Brett and said, "8 steps!!" As I set my phone down, Levi started walking again, and this time he took 20 steps. I wrote Brett again and told him I didn't think we would need to actually count each step anymore because he seemed to really get it. Brett hurried home and we laughed and cheered as Levi walked to him for the first time. Within about a week, we started seeing a lot less crawling and a lot more walking. Nowadays, he "marches" with his big, fat, flat feet all over the place. It's the cutest.
Right before Levi turned one, he came down with his 4th ear infection in 4 months. By the time his birthday party rolled around, he was happier, but within days we were onto his fifth infection. Brett and I and our doctor agreed it was time for tubes. Unfortunately, we still had to wait about 2 weeks, and they were the worst 2 weeks ever. Levi fussed 24/7, pulling on his ears and throwing fits on the floor. Three antibiotics later and the infection was barely going away. Car rides were the worst, which was surprising because you'd think they'd put him to sleep, but there must have been even more pressure on his ears because he cried and cried. We were so sad for him and compassionate, for sure, but we were drained and desperate for Tube Day to arrive. Sure enough, like everyone says, the tube procedure was short and sweet and, other than the fact that another ear infection had just begun, he was relatively happy. Within a few short days we had our sweet boy back! Praise the good Lord!
There aren't a lot of updates on my life these days due to me having to keep up with the Fox boys (which I am so glad I get to do!) One thing, though, that I've really tried to do this summer has been to simplify my life. I've never been one who works well around clutter, and but somehow I got behind and before I knew it my mind was tired. It started with simple things, like throwing the junk mail in the recycle bin before ever taking it in the house. (I HATE piles of paper!) But then it went from there and now, between less clutter physically and technology wise (deleting old Facebook contacts, emptying inboxes, keeping a basic phone instead of a smart phone,) I feel more focused and less overwhelmed! The other thing I've been doing is making a list of projects to work on during football season. I'm a big believer this is the key to not feeling lonely during season. This season I'm hoping to paint the kitchen and living room, as well on work on a few decorative projects for them. Thank you, Pinterest.
Wow, this has been a long update on just the last few weeks. Funny how life flies by. I haven't even written about Levi's birthday party, our time at my parents pool, zoo trips, our new nephew, or Sophie's new found love of lying on the top of the couch like a cat. I'll have to settle with just a random array of pictures because it's almost 10pm and that's late for me these days. To wrap it up, here are the lyrics to one of my all time favorite hymns and the song of my heart these days:
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in light of His glory and grace!"
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