Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to us! One year ago, on 8/6/11, the boy and I promised God and each other a lifetime of faithfulness and obedience to Christ as Team Fox. It was the best day of my life. And it wasn't because it was the beginning of something HUGE, because I don't think that had really settled in yet. Don't get me wrong, I understood the gravity of the commitment and the fact that this day would change my life forever. I just didn't know how because I hadn't lived it yet. It was, however, the best day of my life because there I was, in a pretty dress, next to a boy that held my heart fiercely and gently all at the same time. We were surrounded by our parents and siblings and other family and friends that had watched us grow up.
Some from the start, some not until high school, some not until a year or two prior, but ALL had impacted our journey to this place. As if that wasn't enough, it was gorgeous outside, and there was excellent food, and beautiful music, and ridiculous dancing, and so much laughter and smiles my face literally ached. All because the Creator of the Universe had enough compassion on us to send His Son to die in our place, so that we may spend eternity giving Him Glory, and meanwhile enjoy the awesome gift of marriage, designed by the same God that created the mountains and the ocean and the human heart. Here's to a hundred more, my love!
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