Thirteen Weeks
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Cutest Photobomb Ever |
How far along?: 13 weeks
Baby is the size of a: A little bigger than last week....I think by now he/she is like a little more than 2 inches long? bizarre.
The Bump: popping out more and more!
Symptoms: throwing up every morning all of a sudden, ready for that to end. but less nauseous and more energy. it's a pregnant miracle!
Food Cravings: salsa, chocolate milk, gummy lifesavers
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: mostly Sophie's dog food and the smell of our pantry/fridge.
Sleep: Weird dreams and lots of pee breaks. hopefully those take a backseat here, soon.
What I miss: I'm not even much of a drinker, but I'd love a cold Strongbow
Weddings Rings On or Off: on
Any Names Picked Out Yet: I have names picked out....getting Brett to agree is always the challenge
Movement: I had been feeling little pops and bubbles occasionally these last couple of weeks, but a couple days ago I started feeling real movement. I like to be to the point where it's actually consistent, but it's fun being in the middle of something then suddenly being reminded that baby's alive and well!
Maternity Clothes: There's a severe lack of motivation to dress cute this time around. I'm sure once the weather warms up and we actually go more places, I'll try to dress a little nicer, but day to day, it's sweat pants and oversized t shirts.
Labor Signs: Nope. Please stay that way until the last week of July :)
Best Moment of the Week: feeling kicks and having Levi hold my hand and rub my back when I puke. he's just the sweetest little boy.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: the magical 2nd trimester, where there's no place for vomiting and queasiness (right? ha!)
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